Canada Customs Forms and Labels
An overview
of product's that you may need in order to Export or Import
goods to Canada .
P.A.R.S. Labels: Pre-Arrival Review System.
A 8A Cargo Control Documents: Non-Bonded, In Bond, and
Post Audit.
C.S.A. Cards: Customs Self- Assessment.
B3 Labels
In Transit Manifest Forms can be obtained from Canada
Customs at NO CHARGE to you.
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U.S. Customs Forms and Labels
An overview of
product's that you may need in order to Export or Import
goods to the United States.
P.A.P.S. Labels: Pre-Arrival Processing System
CF 7533 Inward Cargo Manifest Forms
NCAP/FAST Release Forms
In-Transit Manifest Forms: (Can be obtained from Canada
Customs at NO CHARGE to you.)
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Other Labels And Forms
Demand Printing offers other lables and forms etc.
1. Bills of Lading
2. Trip Envelops
3. Shipping Labels
More  |
Accept: Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Canadian
and US Cheque.
barcode labels, paps barcode labels, carrier code, scac code
paps, pars, csa, inward cargo, manifest, ncap, fast, cf7533,
a8a Demand Printing we use state-of-the-art
Advanced Digital Printing that allows for Product
Proofs in one hour, Super Fast
of TRANSPORTATION Two-Part Carbonless
Form with a three hole punch and are perforated with a detachable
inspection report. produce Pars
Labels in single or multiple sets. Our Pars Labels are supplied
on rolls and are perforated between each label for easy dispensing,
cards are used by C.S.A. Approved Carriers
hauling for a C.S.A. Approved Importer. Our Card's, are credit
card size and, have your Carrier Code, and Importer B.I.N.
Number A 8A Pre-Printed
Manifest Forms are a five part, bilingual, form
that will have your Company Name, Carrier Code and a sequential
number printed on all five copies. These same forms are also
available in Post Audit format to be used
when your Company is registered as a Post Audit Carrier